Provided below are two resources developed by the Nature Conservancy of Indiana within the Forestry for the Birds initiative. Forestry for the Birds is a collaborative project developed by The Nature Conservancy in Indiana in collaboration with birders, ornithologists, foresters and wildlife biologists. Our goal is to provide strategies that can benefit both forest management and bird communities, facilitating and simplifying the management of bird-friendly forests.
The Pocket Guide provides “bird focused” information about habitat management for landowners and managers, especially those interested in managing their lands for birds. This guide is intended to be used with the more technical silvicultural guide but is more pocketfriendly with information about each of the dozen birds.
This guide is intended as a support document for writing forest and wildlife management plans. Information for each species is cross-referenced with silvicultural practices of benefit to those species adapted to pre-settlement natural disturbances such as frequent fire, tornado, and windthrow.