Fishing isn’t really about catching fish

Fishing Isn’t Really About Fish

While it’s always fun to catch a fish…and for sure, a shore lunch may be some of the best eating on the planet…through the years we’ve learned that fishing is about so much more.

Life gets so busy that it’s hard to find time to do nothing. And if nothing else, we’ve learned that doing nothing from time to time is important. Our good friend Ron puts this in perspective when he says, “Sometimes I’m so busy doing nothing I ask my wife to help.”

Well, we’ve set ourselves to the task and we’re working on it…and from time to time we seem to be making progress. Our down time at the pond is among our best efforts to this end.

We love our time at the pond.

Sometimes it’s about introducing young kids to the “art” of watching a bobber in a pond.

Sometimes (when the fish aren’t biting) it’s about shooting those bobbers!

Sometimes it’s about a kid’s first shore lunch. Remember that first fire you made…that first time with fresh fish in a frying pan over an open fire? Yeah – sometimes it’s about that.

Other times it’s as simple as sitting around the pond with a group of friends telling lies / sharing stories and smoking a good cigar.

Fishing is about so much more than catching fish.

[Pictured Top: another beautiful day at the pond…boots up and enjoying the day.]


Living Third — living with God first, others second and ourselves third.

Engaging and Sharing — supporting our community both on and off the Farm.

Making a Difference — acting on our compassion for others.