Welcome to Springboro Tree Farms

19163I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed my nearly 30 year career in the advertising agency business. I made a lot of good friends, helped a variety of clients advance their business (and personal) goals…and I learned a lot along the way. It was a sweet life.

A few years ago however I decided to update my priorities a bit and began to spend my time in pursuit of other sweet things…think maple syrup, honey, apple cider or perhaps just some quiet time at the pond with a fishing pole and good friends.

As this next chapter unfolds I’d like to invite you along.

Home base for us is Springboro Tree Farms…35 acres nestled on the banks of the Tippecanoe River in White County, Indiana. Nothing fancy…just a few acres of classic Indiana woodland blessed with a nice river frontage, a pond and more sugar maple trees than you can shake a stick at.

In addition to sharing stories of what we’re up to here at the farm the main purpose of Springboro Tree Farms and this website is to share information, resources and connections to those who have interest in sugaring, keeping bees, developing a sustainable woodland, keeping a healthy orchard, making apple cider – or just spending quiet time in the woods.

We’re just getting started on this new website so please be patient with us. In addition to sharing a few stories and pictures about what’s going on at the Farm we’ll have some fun with recipies we recieve from friends and the magic they are doing in the kitchen with our maple syryp and honey.

Come check out what we’re up to…visit often…and enjoy the journey. Life is sweet.


Living Third — living with God first, others second and ourselves third.

Engaging and Sharing — supporting our community both on and off the Farm.

Making a Difference — acting on our compassion for others.

P.S. Before you meet The Team (see below) wanna know a bit more “About Us” from another perspective?

Here’s an ARTICLE our friends at New Holland Ag Equipment put together for the 2022 Winter issue of their Acres quarterly magazine. We appreciate the value and quality of both their equipment and their local service representativesNH Cover scaled. TheseAcres Article 1 Scaled folks take good care of us and we were delighted to be featured in their magazine.

New Holland Agriculture is a global leader of agricultural machinery produced by CNH Industrial. Acres is a New Holland publication that reaches thousands of farmers and dealers throughout the United States0 and Canada.

The Springboro Tree Farms Team

What’s life without good friends?

We like to joke about how this isn’t a one-man operation anymore…and actually, it’s not been for quite some time. Thankfully we have a lot of good friends and family who make all this possible. As you might imagine the physical side of the work on the farm is significant on it’s own and we need help for sure…but frankly, all that we do around here is just more fun with friends.

We hope you enjoy a quick introduction to some of the folks who help out around the farm.

Meet the team

Rich Hines

Rich is the chief ‘idea guy” and architect behind everything you’ll see here at the farm. Boundless energy along with a drive to really understand how this all works – combined with his refusal to grow up – is the driving force behind what we do. As seen in the picture here, Rich stays on top of everything that goes on at the farm.

Joe Velovitch

Joe will never admit this but he’s the brains – and the brawn – behind a lot of what we do here. Both Joe and Rich have a lot of knowledge about why and how all this works. A serious scientist by training and career, Joe is like a “pig in mud” at the farm…always learning…always having a good time. Oh, and on top of all that, Joe has some serious chain saw skills.

Sam Hines

Sam brings a new dimension of syrup and honey production expertise to the farm. A mechanical engineering technology professional by trade (and by nature) Sam has become our go-to guy when processes need improvement, equipment needs repair or service…or when we just need to get work done more efficiently. He’s also a pretty good with a chain saw and swings a firm but gentile tree tapping hammer.

Marvin Wiederhold

Marvin and Rich have been friends for a long time and we were delighted when he was able to spend more time with us. Retirement will do that! He’s already proving to be a fantastic resource for the team. He’s a great blend of curious and smart and clever – and boy do we need that around here! Marvin understands the technical stuff going on around here as well as the “live third” mission at the heart of Springboro Tree Farms. The picture here is rare indeed – we seldom see Marvin sitting still.

Jim Hines

Jim is the little brother…the one “mom liked best”. He’ll tell you right up front that his work at the farm makes life fun these days. Having spent much of his career on an airplane bound for some far off place in the world, you’ll most often find Jim at the pond with a fishing pole…and a good cigar. Re: the picture here, why do the younger brothers get all the nasty jobs around the farm?


Ron adds a ton of experience and wisdom to what we do here. When we get stuck on something…or something won’t work…Ron is our go-to guy for experience and practical solutions to thorny problems. He’s also the best fisherman among us but don’t tell him we said so.  As seen in the picture here, Ron also serves as Chief Fish Cleaner at the farm.


Steve is a good friend of the farm who’s always around to help with maple syrup season…especially cutting and splitting firewood. In addition to tapping trees at the start of the season, when called to do so, Steve also shows up with his trailer and the “mother of all grills” to do pancakes at our open house events. Steve is at his best here…keeping the wood fired evaporator running strong.


Jean is involved in many aspects of what goes on at the farm…helping with the honey harvest, exploring new product possibilities and participation in open houses, farm tours and special events. In addition, she’s one heck of a cook. Her waffles during the maple syrup open house events are to die for.  How busy is Jean with her work around the farm? Well she’s as busy as…well, as busy as a bee.